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The Harrows of Modern-Day Slavery

Well, the old-fashioned form of slavery is indeed gone. However, modern-day slavery continues to be very real and affects millions of people around the world.

Imagine a world where people are offered and bought like commodities and are forced to work or labor for long hours without or for meager pay. Some are subjected to physical and sexual abuse and denied even the most fundamental human rights. This is the harrows of modern-day slavery, and it is miles happening all around us.

Modern-day slavery?

When other human beings exploit you for their benefit through force, fraud, or coercion, it is described as servitude, and this can take many forms, including human trafficking, compelled hard work, compelled marriage, and debt bondage.

How Pervasive is Modern-day slavery?

Current statistics from the International Labour Organization (ILO) prove that there is a projection of 40.3 million people living in modern-day slavery around the world; 24.9 million of this number are in forced labor, while 15.4 million are in forced marriages. “12% of all those in forced labor are children. More than half of these children are in commercial sexual exploitation,” according to ILO.

According to the Global Slavery Index, “Of the products at risk of being produced with modern slavery, G20 countries spent the most on electronics – US$ 243.6 billion, garments – US$ 147.9 billion, palm oil – US$ 19.7 billion, solar panels – US$ 14.8 billion and textiles – US$ 12.7 billion.

Where does modern-day slavery Come From?

Modern-day slavery happens in each country in the world, but it is mostly known in developing locations such as Africa and Asia. Asia and the Pacific region have the highest number of people, i.e., 15.1 million in forced labor.

Who are the victims of modern-day slavery?

The victims of modern-day slavery are people of every age, gender, and nationalities. However, certain groups are more prone than others, including children, women, and migrants.

What are the reasons for modern-day slavery?

Many factors contribute to modern-day, including poverty, wars, lack of education, training in specific skills, and unemployment. However, the primary cause is greed and exploitation. Traffickers and enslavers take advantage of the exploitation of others.

What are the effects of modern-day slavery?

Modern-day slavery has a devastating effect on sufferers and their households. Victims are frequently physically and psychologically traumatized and abused. They are denied schooling and healthcare. Modern-day slavery additionally undermines improvement and financial increase.

What may be executed to cope with contemporary-day slavery?

There are quite several things that may be accomplished to cope with modern-day slavery, including:

Strengthening laws and enforcement: Governments need to strengthen laws in opposition to modern-day slavery and make sure that traffickers and slave owners are held accountable.

Protecting vulnerable groups: Governments and civil society organizations must work together to shield vulnerable people from exploitation. This includes providing education and awareness-raising programs and improving access to essential services such as health care.

Supporting victims: Victims of modern-day slavery must be furnished with a guide to recover from their ordeal and rebuild their lives. This consists of getting access to hospital therapy, counseling, and education.

What can we do as individuals to assist?

Every one of us can play a role in addressing contemporary slavery. Here are a few things you may do:

Be aware of the signs of modern-day slavery: Learn the distinctive varieties of modern-day slavery and be privy to the signs and symptoms. If you think that someone is being exploited, inform the authorities.

Support agencies against modern-day slavery: Many companies are working to stop modern-day slavery. You can aid their work by donating money or volunteering for a while. They include International Justice Mission, Free the Slaves, Anti-Slavery International, Walk Free Foundation, Global Fund to End Modern Slavery, and HAART Kenya, with great activities against modern-day slavery in Africa. 

Make ethical choices when consuming goods and services: When you buy something, remember how it was produced and where. Avoid products that are known to be related to modern-day slavery.

Modern-day slavery is an issue that must be of concern to us all because it stains the progress we try to make. Let us stand united, raise our voices, and take action to cease this harrowing plight. By doing so, we can change the lives of those affected and ensure a better and wealthier future for Africa. Together, we can rewrite our continent’s narrative wherein freedom, justice, and dignity inspire each African story.

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